General Contractor and owner of Grand Bay Construction Chris Burch shares about the recent trip he made with Third Lens Ministries to join partners in Kenya and Tanzania.
It was exciting to engage with workers serving God in the ministries of “Life in Abundance” & “Small Steps for Compassion”. The trip and relationship building experiences were huge blessings in themselves. I really like what Solomon had to say in the later part of verse in Ecclesiastes 5:19….”…To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life – this is indeed a gift from God”. Third Lens provides a conduit to come alongside some of these organizations that are the hands and feet of Christ literally on the ground in the “utter most parts of the earth” and use the gifts He has given us to further His kingdom on earth. Through some of the conversations and encounters working with these organizations to assist them in their goals of building buildings to train and care for the least of these I experienced one of the joyful moments that are all too few when I felt I was fulfilling my purpose in life.
Psalm 96:3 says “Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.” Thirds Lens is a wonderful way to get plugged in & do just that.
Chris assisted LIA staff in Kenya through discussing alternatives to building components to lower building budget as well as sharing contract samples to further equip leadership to draft appropriate contracts with bidding contractors. In Tanzania, Chris joined the team evaluating the first phase of construction and consulted on pending roof implementation process. His experience brought great value in a timely way to bolster stewardship in both projects.