Third Lens is excited to partner with the Methodist Church of Cuba to build over 100 mission church locations across the country. This pilot program of 17 locations was launched in the Spring of 2019.
What exactly are you doing in Cuba?
For 60 years, the Cuban government has placed heavy restrictions on the Church’s ability to renovate existing facilities and build new churches. This resulted in churches being planted in the homes of pastors, makeshift buildings and even under trees. After building a church in the village of Patria last year, the Methodist Church of Cuba asked Third Lens if we would be interested in building over 100 outdoor pavilion churches for congregations currently meeting in rural areas. We accepted this opportunity and recently funded the first 3 locations while working on logistics for the next 17 build sites in the pilot program.

What is the status of the church in Cuba?
The Church is growing rapidly across the nation, much quicker than in the United States. The Methodist Church alone has seen 8% and 10% growth in the past two years, respectively. Congregations are growing at exponential rates but are heavily restricted by the venues they can meet in.

How much does each church cost?
The cost of each project is $3,500. Unfortunately, the economics of Cuba are highly prohibitive of the congregation paying for their own buildings. The average household brings home less than $100 per month working their government positions. Hence, Third Lens has agreed to raise 100% of the construction costs for each location.
What will the new churches look like?
Each new will be a 20′ x 20′ metal pavilion. The model was designed by students from Auburn University’s Building Science program (thank you Professor Scott Kramer).
How can I get involved?
These are the primary ways you can help the Church in Cuba
Sponsor a Church
Sponsors will have the opportunity to provide funding as anonymous benefactors or can connect directly with the congregation for long-term relationships. The cost is $3,500 to sponsor a church.
For more information, email us or click here.
Invite us to Speak
We would be more than happy to come to speak to your church, Sunday School class, small group, supper club or any other gathering you would like us to share the story of Cuba with.
For more information, email us or click here.