“Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world“
BGM Jonestown
Project Description
But God Ministries (BGM) is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, that shares the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world. They are currently building two sustainable communities in Haiti and one in the Mississippi Delta.
From the beginning of their work in Haiti, it has been in the back of BGM’s minds that they would go to Haiti, learn valuable lessons about sustainable community development, then return home to apply those lessons in Mississippi. After all, BGM has significant challenges in their state. Mississippi has challenges with housing, healthcare, education, jobs, and access to healthy food. Mississippi has spiritual problems that cause so many of its other problems. And, while these challenges exist in all parts of Mississippi, they seem to be even more concentrated in the Delta.
So, BGM and Third Lens are thrilled to announce that their first partnership project and BGM’s first work in Mississippi will be in the small town of Jonestown. Jonestown is located in the northwest part of the state about 12 miles northeast of Clarksdale and an hour’s drive southwest of Memphis.
Jonestown has a population of 1,200 with many more people living in the county. There is no grocery store, no medical clinic, no drug store, and no bank. There are serious housing issues. There are few jobs. But there are wonderful people there who are loved by God and who simply need real opportunities to better themselves and their families.
But God Ministries and Third Lens will be partnering for the planning, design and construction of several projects that align with holistic community approach of:
S – spiritual (strong, healthy, life-giving churches)
P – physical (medical and dental)
H – H20 (clean water)
E – education
R – roofs (housing)
E – economic development (jobs)
S – soil (agriculture/access to healthy food)
One phase of the Masterplan is the development of the Life Center
Project Details
Status: Design
Partner(s): But God Ministries
Location: Jonestown, MS
Project #: 2018.04
Scope of Work:
Construction Management
Project Manager(s):
Brian O’Neil, Third Lens Ministries
Ty Maloney, J Marsh Enterprises
Designer(s): Auburn University DBIA